Change: Progress or Shock?
Even when change is what you want it can be a shock when it comes.
Making progress doesn’t mean the changes that follow will be what you’re expecting. Or what you’re hoping for. And even if the change is exactly what you wanted it can come as a serious shock to the system. Seems like change has its own mind. Shows up when it wants and how it wants and as it wants. Which can be distressing, to say the least.
For instance, if you’re taking the Course “Free Your Jaw and Tongue 101” you probably expect the way your jaw moves to change so you’ll be more comfortable. But if you become dizzy and disoriented one day when you get out of bed, you might get a little concerned if you don’t realize that freeing your jaw loosened up your hips so your spine freed up too, and you could suddenly move and turn more easily. But you got dizzy because you’re not used to having to establish your balance as quickly as your head just swung around.
Which was a shock.
A shock that was an important step in the holistic progress you’re making to discover that improving the freedom of movement in any part of your body and mind gives more freedom of movement to every other part of your body and mind.
So the next time there’s a shocking change, consider pausing and taking time to find out if it has a place on your path to progress, a path where change can become transformational.
Photo by NeONBRAND