Free Your Eyes 201


Your eyes can relax.

Upon completion of the Course you’ll receive permanent access to all the recordings.

It might take up to 24 hours for your Course to appear on your Dashboard.

If it isn’t there by that time, please email me:



In this Course you’ll explore how every movement involving your head is involved with how you use your eyes to interact with your environment.

Access to the Course will end five weeks after enrollment.
Upon completion of the Course you’ll receive permanent access to all the recordings.

Four full length audio classes:

1. Learn about the relationship between the movements and focus of your eyes and the movements of your head.
2. Learn more about the relationship between the movements of your eyes and head and how that relationship changes depending on the position of your body.
3. How you think about your eyes affects the relationship between their movements and the movements of your head and neck.
4. This class explores the relationship between how you think about your eyes and the way your feet and hips move your legs.