Movement of the Mind part 5 – Philosopher J. Krishnamurti & Quantum Physicist David Bohm
Krishnamurti: The observer is the observed. The thinker is the thought. There is no thinker separate from the thoughts. Then one asks, is it possible to transcend thought? Or, is it possible to end knowledge? Psychologically, not knowledge of science. Knowledge of my self.
Bohm: This would have to be perceived immediately as obvious.
K: That’s the whole question. To perceive the totality of this whole movement instantly.
Is it possible to perceive without all the movement of memory?
If you see the reason, the rationality of the activity of memory, which is limited, the very perception that it is limited, you are moved out of it to another dimension.
B: You have to perceive the whole of the limitation of memory.
K: Is there an activity which is not touched by thought? We are saying there is. And that activity is the highest form of intelligence.
Intelligence is not the activity of “cunning” thought. Intelligence can use thought. [But if] the action is born of memory, and memory is limited, therefore thought is limited and it has its own activity, which then brings about conflict.
B: We’re bringing in the notion of an intelligence which is free of programming, which is creative.
K: That intelligence has nothing to do with memory and knowledge [of self].
We’ll look into this more.
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