Movement and Mindfulness
This week I’ve been particularly entranced by how the folks in my classes have been focusing and paying attention with such dedication. Impressive. Then one evening as I was sitting meditating it hit me that they are doing a form of meditation, or mindfulness, during class.
There is sitting meditation, and walking meditation, and eating meditation, and more. It seems the point is to be attentive in some way during some activity. If you’re paying attention, you’re meditating on some level. And it’s pretty hard not to be paying attention to something.
Even if you think you aren’t.
So movement meditation makes sense to me, too.
I know sitting to meditate helps me a lot, but I also know that for a lot of folks it doesn’t work at all. I’m wondering if maybe it doesn’t need to. The way I’m starting to see it, whatever anyone is doing right now looks to be the right way for them in this world of meditation.
It surprised me this would be an eye opener for me. I already figured that focusing on anything that helps someone discover more about themself is an avenue to growth as a human being. And it seems to me that pretty much any kind of focus on anything helps you learn about yourself. Hard to avoid. So from there it doesn’t seem that big a jump to figure that life is one big meditation and we’re all taking part, whether you look at it that way or not.
Probably just a matter of semantics.
Pretty cool.
Opens doors.
Photo by Diego Rosa