The Freedom of Your Breath

Young woman with short hair, eyes closed, head calmly leaning back against the trunk of a tree in the forest.

Your breath is a regulator of integration. It influences every part of yourself and
synchronizes their relationships to every other part.

In its subtle rhythm, your breath helps sustain the flexibility of your spine. When you inhale, you lengthen and widen. Your spine guides your head up and your legs down. Your torso expands in every direction, widening your shoulders and hips.

Exhalation rejuvenates you. Your spine draws your head and legs back to relax. Your torso returns to its resting shape. Your lungs glide smoothly and easily inside the changing shape of your ribs.

Each breath subtly moves every element of your body as it works to integrate your organs. It helps them shift and adjust safely and freely within your torso as you move about in the world. As you breathe, your lungs massage you within and lead your body toward calm without.

So, when you pause to notice your breathing, reflect on what an incredible source of integrating influences it is.

Photo by Motoki Tonn

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