Looking for Change
Change is a conundrum.
Sometimes we want it, sometimes we don’t.
Sometimes we hope it’s coming, sometimes we don’t.
And what to do till change arrives? Life as usual?
Or apply ourselves diligently to
getting the changes we want?
Change may be such a long time coming
that we think it’s too late.
Or the change that comes
may not be what we hoped for.
Does it fling open doors to new potential
or does it screech us to a dead halt?
Or perhaps things have already changed
and we haven’t noticed?
Somatic movement work guides us toward looking at
how we’re changing the way we use our bodies.
And our minds!
Sometimes it takes a while before we notice
big changes in the way our body moves.
But important small changes
can be found in no time at all.
Working with our mind and our body together
speeds up the process.
By learning to notice what we feel
when we’re moving our body
(or noticing we don’t feel anything in particular),
the neurological circuits
which link our attention and our movement,
our mind and our body, learn to look for change.
Which may help us notice that change isn’t waiting like we thought. It’s likely under way already!
Don’t wait to look for change
till it’s so obvious you can’t miss it.
Look for it now.
Look where you want to find it,
but also look where you don’t expect to find it.
Let looking for change become a habit.
You may be surprised by what you discover!
Photo by Austin Chan.