Movement of the Mind part 3 – The Beginning of Movement in Your Mind

Young woman sitting with her hands folded in front of her chin, considering.

Learning facts and information is one kind of learning. But Feldenkrais© and Tomatis© work involve learning in a way which we may not notice. It’s different. It doesn’t require words or thoughts.
It’s automatic, a natural function of our mindbody.

Babies learn to lift and turn their heads, roll over, crawl, and much more. They learn because their brains are designed to learn, and it happens without words. Their minds are working. Babies perceive and consider. They wonder and desire. They react to situations.
Their learning comes from movement in their minds.

Can we find this voiceless movement in our mind as we get older, after we learn to speak? Is it gone, or is it just drowned out by the words running through our head? Can we find the quiet movement in our mind which gives birth to those unvoiced words? Can we learn to notice the subtle movement in our mind which reflects our intention and includes a movement of our body?

This is what we discover with Tomatis and Feldenkrais work. First we learn to listen to what we hear and how we move. Then gradually we learn to listen to the silence which gives rise to sounds, and to the stillness which gives rise to motion. And we start to recognize the movements of our mindbody which link the silence to sound and the stillness to motion.

Once we notice it, our lives start to change. That’s what Tomatis and Feldenkrais work are all about.

Photo by kevin turcios

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