Quantum Pain

Prickly pear cactus.

I’ve been wondering whether discoveries in quantum physics can have a role in the amelioration of pain. One quantum discovery which intrigues me is the conclusion that if something is observed, if we pay attention to it, the presence of our attention causes that something to change in some way. Physicists haven’t yet found a way to predict what the change will be, but it will change in some way. Perhaps microscopically, perhaps earth-shatteringly.

Definitely not the way I was taught the world works!

Dr. Feldenkrais got his PhD in physics from the Sorbonne while working in the Joliot-Curie laboratory in Paris before WWII. Quantum physics was a major influence on the development of his method of studying movement.

About his lessons in movement, Dr. Feldenkrais often emphasized that the movement itself isn’t important. What’s important is paying attention to what you are doing, paying attention to what’s going on within yourself. He inferred that the result would be positive change.


So, I’m going to experiment with paying attention to pain in a deliberate manner instead of trying to “fix” it. My thought is to see what it means, to observe a pain objectively, without judgement.
Being there with it.
Mindful of its presence and mindful of my own presence.

Maybe another way to think of it is to meditate on the sensation, without expectation.
Being conscious of it, nothing more.

We’ll see how it goes.

Photo by Kyle Glenn

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