Noticing 2

Woman with hand under chin looking up at ceiling at something. Noticing what's there and what's going on stimulates your brain.

Brain plasticity is about improvement. Change for the better.
When science says your brain is “plastic,” it means your brain is flexible.
Not only can your brain change how it does its job,
your brain can figure out how to do its job better.
And better.

In other words, at the same time it’s making a widget,
your brain is figuring out how to make a better widget.

All your life.

So, in movement and balance work, noticing how you move and the sensations you feel as you move opens an important pathway between the movement of your body and the movement of your mind. Your movements aren’t just mechanical operations. They are a reflection of yourself. Your movements include your thoughts, your emotions, your experiences, the way you see the world.
The way you think is reflected in your movements.

The way you move is an expression of you.

When the movements of your mind and your body collaborate, it’s easier for change to happen.
When you wonder, when you look at how your body is responding to the movement
you’re doing and you notice details about that movement,
your plastic brain automatically starts to use that information.
It rewires the connections between your body and your mind
to make moving easier for you as the unique individual you are.

Which helps you become a better, more comfortable,
easier expression of you.

So notice.

Photo by Tachina Lee

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