Freeing Your Body

Young woman on a wall, outline of a city across the water in the background. She is reaching up and out, leaning back, looking up, opening herself to the world. Freeing Your Body brings this kind of joy.

Learn to live fully in your body!

Photo by Neal E. Johnson

Imagine knowing you’ll be moving better next year than you are now,
and even better every year after that!

Imagine not worrying about
stiffness, pain or limited movement stopping you
because you’ve learned how to take care of yourself.

If you’d like to learn more about freeing your body,
September 6 & 7 I’ll be offering a live two-day workshop

Free Your Shoulders 101 Workshop
at Redbird Vitality in Raleigh, NC.

Freeing Your Body

is a comprehensive program of progressive audio movement classes and individual sessions which take advantage of your brain plasticity and the
unity of your bodymind to guide you along your individual and personal path
toward freedom and security in movement, in balance, and in being in the world.

It begins with a step by step exploration of basic movements
and continues into the relationships between those movements,
revealing ineffective habits which you can let go of in both body and mind
while the tried and true habits you rely on
can become even more reliable.

Keeping your confidence strong.

Simple, purposeful movements at your own pace will
train your brain to keep your journey of personal growth on track to

  • improve mobility,
  • overcome repetitive movement problems,
  • recover from injury,
  • reduce pain, and
  • have quality of life for the rest of your life.
Senior Citizen hiking in the mountains. Majestic peaks rimmed by puffy white clouds in the distance.

Photo by Colton Miller

Try out this short sample class to see if
Freeing Your Body
is what you’re looking for:

You can Free Your Body on your own schedule.

  • Freeing Your Body guides you to discovering how to use your body so you can take advantage of the natural integration of your body and mind.
  • You can combine Audio Courses with Individual Sessions to maximize your progress.
  • Courses are progressive, with classes gradually building from the foundation of basic movements.
  • You can lie on the floor or on your bed. You can use pillows, cushions or other supports to be comfortable. For sitting classes, you can use a chair, a stool, or sit on the floor.
  • All movements are easy on your body.
  • You can take the classes at your own pace, whenever and wherever is convenient.
  • You can repeat each class as often as you want, and you’ll get permanent access to the recordings after you complete the Course.

No straining involved.
Scale the movements to your comfort level.

And you’ll get results!

Because your plastic brain naturally learns
how to let you move better.

More about
How Freeing Your Body Works

Freeing Your Body will keep you doing what you love to do.

Photos by Sherise VD, Oswald Elsaboath, Arlington Research, Quino Al, Johnny Cohen, and Kazuo ota.

More aboutThe Feldenkrais Method

Free Your Body 101

In the four 100 Level Courses you’ll learn to listen to your body
so you can discover new and better ways to move.
You’ll reduce tension, increase your range of motion,
and lower your level of discomfort.

Free Your Head & Neck 101

Young woman with long blonde hair, her head tilted back so her hair flows down her back. Her hands encircle her neck. Small movements like this will reduce neck pain and increase range of motion.

Your head and neck can find relief.

Free Your Shoulders 101

Smiling middle aged woman in a white top and grey skirt with her right arm draped gracefully over her head and her left hand on her tilted hip.

Your shoulders can relax.

Free Your Hips 101

Silhouette of woman against red sunset-like backdrop with one hand on her extended hip as she leans the other way in an attitude of confidence. Freeing Your Hips makes it easy and natural to express yourself with your whole body.

Your hips can rotate easily.

Free Your Breath 101

Middle aged woman with colorful scarf around her hair deep in a forest, leaning back against the trunk of an ancient tree taking a deep breath.

You can breathe fully.

Photos by Kirya, Samantha Weisburg, Maria Lupan, and Greg Rosenke.

And you can try this mini-course:

After you complete the four Courses in Free Your Body 101 there are many
other courses you can take for continuing exploration and discovery:
Course Catalog

You can also schedule Individual Sessions.


Schedule a free 20 minute Heart to Heart conversation with me
to talk about what you’re looking for and how Freeing Your Body can help.

Headshot of David

My name is David Rowland.
I’m a Guild Certified Feldenkrais PractitionerCM
Tomatis PractitionerCM
and I’ve been helping folks with the ways they move (and don’t move)
for more than 30 years.

What my students say:

The Feldenkrais Method® is an art form, and
David is an artist of the Method in his work.
As a classically trained musician, he understands the
value of dedication to excellence, and of patience.

Kathryn Scheldt
Feldenkrais Teacher, Author, Singer/songwriter, Guitarist, Educator

I used to have terrible shoulder aches which remained after I stopped playing. After a year of David’s classes I really don’t have any pain in my shoulders any more.
I’m going to be 73 and I feel like I’m 30.
I feel terrific.

Valerie Simosko
Former Principal Flute, Charlotte Symphony Orchestra
Soloist, Teacher, Artist

I forget the range of movement available to me
until you ask me to move.
When I relax into your guidance, I notice my core engaged, centering my spine and body in solidarity with
my neck, head and jaw as they move.
When I relax into your guidance, I am not afraid.

Janet Paduhovic

David Rowland
Guild Certified
Feldenkrais &
Tomatis Practitioner

7 Lombardi Lane
Hanahan, SC 29410

The Following are service marks and certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America® in the US: Feldenkrais®; Guild Certified Feldenkrais PractitionerCM

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