Free Your Arms 201
Your arms can float.
On completion of the Course you’ll receive permanent access to all the recordings.
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In this Course you’ll find that having freedom in your shoulders and your hips along with being grounded into the floor gives freedom to your arms so they can combine confidence with stability in your movements and give full expression to your thoughts and to your experience of being.
On completion of the Course you’ll receive permanent access to all the recordings.
Four full length audio classes:
1. This class explores the relationships between the movements of your fingers, your wrists, your elbows, and your shoulders. Their coordinated freedom is the basis for the freedom of your arms.
2. This class explores the relationships between the movements of your fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders in greater detail.
3. In this class you’ll find that the relationship of the movements of your arms to the movements of your legs is guided by the relationship of your hips and pelvis to your shoulder joints and shoulder girdle.
4. In this class you’ll discover that the movements of your head and pelvis affect the freedom of your arms.