Free Your Eyes 201

Blonde wavy-haired woman with deep red lipstick wearing mirrored shades down her nose looking over them at you with interest. Freeing your eyes frees your ability to express yourself in many ways.

Your eyes are involved with all your movements. Where you look, what you see, and how you focus on what you see are major determining factors in how you move about in the world. In this Course you’ll explore how every movement involving your head is involved with how you use your eyes to interact with your environment. Then you’ll learn how all those relationships inform and are informed by the way you use your hips, legs, and feet. As these relationships become more clear, your ability to relate to and move in your environment will become better integrated and more efficient.

On completion of the Course you’ll get permanent access to all the recordings.

Photo courtesy of Gratisography

  • Before starting this course you must complete the required prerequisite course: Free Your Body 201