Pausing to Rest
We often take breaks during class. The movements we do have a lot of new information. By resting every once in a while, we give ourselves time to process that information. Resting lets us integrate new ideas with what we already know, so our movements can become a little bit different, a little bit easier or smoother.
Each of us has our own way of learning which is uniquely ours.
It’s important to become familiar with our own process so can take advantage of our strengths and be patient when we are challenged. When we pause, each of us is spending time letting our personal learning go on at its own pace and in its own way.
It’s not down time. You won’t miss anything! It’s all a part of the process of learning to know yourself. The better you get to know yourself, the more natural it is to discover new things.
Learning how we move is inseparable from our becoming able to move better. They are intertwined. As we learn about our individual process of learning, giving our attention to ourselves, we become more aware of other aspects of our existence.
In the process of learning better movement we also learn to be our self more naturally and comfortably.
So feel free to rest and let it all go whenever you get the urge.
Photo by Eduardo Flores