Knowing Your Limits

Winding country road disappearing into the fog with a speed limit sign of 40 kmp (25 mph). Staying within limits can keep you safe.

We humans push our limits all the time. As children, our limits are set by our parents. If we want something
and go past those limits to get it, there are consequences.

Once we’re adults, we find limits defined by society. If we want something
and go past those limits to get it, there are more consequences.

But limits aren’t there to stifle us.
They are there to help us learn to live fully and without consequences
for ourselves or anyone else in this world full of fellow humans.

Still, we have to learn our own personal limits and consequences.

In class I try to help you learn to move freely within your limits so you don’t suffer consequences. To learn what your limits feel like so you can avoid what would happen if you were to go too far.

So I ask you to notice what you feel as you move and relax. I ask you to make small, gentle movements and to stop when you feel resistance. Those and other steps help you learn about your body’s limits, as well as when and how to successfully expand them, so when life calls for it you can move big, with strength, and through resistance.

After you figure out all your limits, you’re the one deciding how far to go and when. Living fully within your limits, you’re the one in charge if you decide to step beyond them. And you’re the one who will confidently know if the time has come to move beyond those accustomed limits to discover new horizons.

Knowing your limits can lead to freeing your life.

Photo by Ksenia Kudelkina

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